October 28, 2005

Happy Halloween!


eyed at 4:02 PM


October 20, 2005

Chomsky is voted world's top public intellectual

eyed at 11:37 AM


October 19, 2005

happiness, anyone?

snatched from flickr

eyed at 10:22 AM


October 17, 2005


Rebecca West
English journalist, novelist and critic.
"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat..."

eyed at 9:42 AM


October 09, 2005

Conversation with E

The last time we met was around four or five months ago. Last night, over dinner, coffee, and marlboro puffs, we exchanged life notes.

He told me about the usual dreariness of life in the IT company where he was part of making sure that its inflow of people remains. I told him about my dwindling satisfaction with my work. He told me he is planning to engage in community service - part of their hrd program for employees searching for their lost souls. I told him that I am already undergoing training for a volunteer organization but still with wobbly resolve to be out of the country for 2 years.

He told me about his payday itinerary of dining out and shopping with his mother who had already stopped asking why he doesn’t have a new girlfriend yet. He told me about his plan to migrate and be dead at 40. I told him I wish to go to New Zealand to see the shire, other Southeast Asian countries, and Canada the ‘mecca’.

I told him that I am not in a relationship anymore. He told me he met his ex a month ago – and while he talked about it, his eyes seem to be catching the late night drizzle. I said things are working out much better between me and her. He said he might be spending Christmas in Xiamen with a friend but there’s no chance of formalizing it with the guy because he’s married. I said the relationship might be regained but it’s not in our mutual agenda yet.

As the coffee shop closes, we said goodbye and promised to keep each other connected soon and always.

eyed at 7:22 PM


October 07, 2005


Aida F. Santos Writing Workshop Program

There is an idea that writers are born. Truth is everyone can write given appropriate skills and continuous honing of these skills. We only need to WRITE.

Multi-awarded poet and author Aida F. Santos will be offering a series of writing workshops for women (of all ages). The workshop is intended to enhance the participants’ capacity to improve their writing skills, whether these are for personal, literary, or organizational needs. Participants will be required within the given timeframe to enhance their works. At the end of the series, an edited collection of the literary works by the participants will be published collectively in January 2006.

The workshop will be conducted in Filipino and English, depending on the language used by the participants. Each class will consist of six participants. Enrolment will be on a first come-first serve basis. Resource persons will be invited to provide expert inputs. This program will run for two months, on batches.

Batch 2: October 16, 22, 23, and 29
Batch 3: November 5, 6, 12 and 13

Send copy (electronically or hard copy) of samples of writing (poem, essay, fiction, short play, vignette) in Filipino / Tagalog or English. Even drafts of existing work are acceptable to be submitted at least a week before the scheduled sessions.

Attend all sessions to maximize learning. Sessions will start 1pm and finish 6:30 pm.

Enrolment fees is pegged at Php2,000 to include costs of reproduction and other materials. 50% reservation fee is required. Please contact Aida for details.

For further inquiry, contact:
afs@pacific.net.ph or aidame2002@yahoo.com
Mobile phone: 09196070015
Telephone: (02) 4267479

eyed at 1:09 PM


October 02, 2005

an old file buried in my personal folder and re-discovered recently.

It is not a word, nor a single action.
In truth, it can never be wrong
Like the sunrise, perfect in every possible way.
It is many things and yet it must exist
In the small space of the heart.
Once found it can bloom endlessly, with no cease.
It can choke one's throat, bring one to tears...
But it never hides in shadows or in darkness
It never feeds itself on deception.
It grows with trust, honesty and compassion.
Nothing less, always more.
[author unknown]

eyed at 2:50 PM


a favorite

high heeled sneakers

Stef Pixner, 1985

i dreamed Simone de Beauvoir and i
were climbing a mountain eating crepes
and wearing espadrilles, she carried
her alarm clock on her head
whereas i pulled behind me three train
carriages full of the things i thought
i might need for the journey.
we talked pleasantly of this and that. i
was trying to impress her with how
interesting i was coming from the post
war generation from a communist family
and being a woman but i had to stop
every now and again to change my
espadrilles for ballet shoes or army boots
or pick my nose or adjust a comma
on my hat or look at the view
or a word in the dictionary so that
she got to the top of the mountain before
me despite her years and
ate more crepes in the meanwhile
sitting on her alarm clock and waiting
for me and my train. when i got
there at last she said there are some
questions i’ve been meaning
to ask a woman of your
generation and so she began asking me
questions and i changed from my
army boots to a pair of high heeled
sneakers and back to espadrilles and then
back into the ballet shoes. i’ve been meaning
to write you a long letter i said but just
then we saw a horde of mountain bears make
off with the luggage i’d so carefully
chosen and she still had a few books
to eat that morning so we exchanged
espadrilles and chinese postcards and
waved our red handkerchiefs
just as the lights went up.

eyed at 2:43 PM
